Dental Extractions and Oral Surgery  St. Charles

Our St. Charles dentist can now offer an alternative method of managing your oral health thanks to advanced dental laser therapy.

Cutting-edge technology, including dental lasers, enables us to provide:

  • Procedures that are minimally invasive
  • No-needle dentistry
  • Surgery on soft tissues
  • Shorter healing times
  • More precise outcomes

When your tooth is causing excruciating pain, is severely infected, or has reached the point where it’s no longer restorable, Dr. Villa may recommend removing it altogether. Smyles and Company Family Dentistry offers in-house dental extractions as well as oral surgeries like wisdom tooth removal. 

Should I Have My Tooth Removed?

In most scenarios, Dr. Villa recommends preserving your natural teeth. However, that isn’t always possible. Therapeutic and emergency dental extractions help relieve the source of discomfort and prevent the disease from spreading to adjacent teeth. We frequently suggest extracting teeth in scenarios involving:

  • Chronic, aggressive periodontitis
  • Impacted wisdom teeth
  • Severely decayed or broken teeth
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Emergencies

After extracting your tooth, we suggest replacing it at your earliest opportunity. Restorations such as dental implants or bridges will help preserve normal tooth spacing, preventing changes in your bite overall. They also serve an aesthetic and functional purpose, as you can smile and eat with them as if nothing happened. 

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Oral Surgery

Wisdom Tooth Removal

The position of your wisdom teeth may prevent them from erupting properly. If they are impacted or partially impacted, damage to adjacent healthy teeth may occur. Typically, we will screen for wisdom tooth complications early on to intercept them before swelling or discomfort become a problem. 

Even when wisdom teeth do erupt, their position at the back of your mouth places them at a higher risk of cavities and gum disease. Typically, the best solution is to remove infected wisdom teeth before the neighboring teeth become involved. 

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What to Expect

As a licensed sedation dentist in Saint Charles, Dr. Villa is able to provide comfortable extractions and wisdom tooth removal at our family practice.

We utilize whisper-quiet equipment in a surgically clean air atmosphere for your comfort and safety. Soft blankets and neck pillows are also available. If you prefer to stay awake throughout your appointment, you can request headphones to listen to music or watch a show on one of the in-room televisions.

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After You Return Home

We recommend taking the rest of the day to relax. If your procedure was a simple extraction, you could typically return to work or school the next day. For oral surgery cases involving wisdom teeth, we suggest giving yourself about a week before resuming normal activities. 

If Dr. Villa prescribes any medication, be sure to take it as directed. Antibiotics will help prevent infection for a thorough recovery. We also recommend applying an ice pack to the side of your face off and on every 20 minutes during the first day. 

Over 30 Years of Experience

Our state-of-the-art Saint Charles dental office provides cutting-edge resources, in-house sedation, and a sensory-inclusive design you won’t find anywhere else.

We cater to patients of all backgrounds, including those with special needs. Dr. Villa’s extensive experience and passion for her patients allow us to ensure a level of care that’s second to none. 

In Pain? Call Now

Should you have your tooth removed?

 Contact Smyles and Company Family Dentistry today to reserve an exam. 

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